Impersonal smile + wide-eyed, frantically gesturing companion. Its a safe bet that the patient doesn't know the diagnosis… or pretends not to. Look only at the patient with high-tech, quick-booting tunnel vision.
Hostile patient + harassed companion. Its early Kubler-Ross, so Dig-in-Your-Heels-Doc!
Haughty patient and companion, with labs from several oncologists. A shopper, but still similar to the above. Consider the extemporaneous /numbers-crunching Brainy CEO manner, a la Clinton. Still haughty? Refer to a large U.S. Cancer Center.
Haughty patient and companion, with report from large U.S. center. Patience is a virtue… Lawyers are expensive… Your mother will haunt you. Pre-morbid condition beyond Kubler-Ross? Turf to the Shrink. Almost beyond human endurance? Voila! The Dunce mode. (Pray that they go elsewhere.)
Anxious patient + anxious companion. Very recently informed about the diagnosis. Hoping for an error. The Distant Relative mode– gentle, humorous, mildly familiar, occasionally gossipy.
Withdrawn patient + frowning relatives in single-file . The relatives will decide and/or pay, but may be battling each other. Pick out the dominant one, fast! (The one everyone looks at when costs are mentioned.)
Impersonal patient + a gaggle of deferential relatives. The patient is in control, probably much loved and/or a taipan. The Professorial mode– with facts, evidence, and the stats…in color. Print out nomograms! Justify your listing of Office XP and LCD panels as capital expenses!
A look of peace + teary-eyed companion.
The primary doctor has done a fabulous job. The patient knows and
accepts his/her fate. Guard your heart, or you'll lose it.
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