Ah, this job. What difference would it have made if I'd taken on that university
position instead of coming home after training? Professionally, I
mean...as the personal costs would have been too high to contemplate.
from the obvious financial advantages, that PhD would be in my pocket
by now. Research grants medical school work...yummy. Rare
patient calls on my mobile, and none of those pesky text messages
clogging up the gadget's memory every single day. (Why do they think
you can make informed decisions via text?) Free weekends, for sure, and
some version of El Nido to escape to. A treat-as-you-see-fit ethic, with much less of the bargaining / budget straining that the lack
of adequate insurance mandates. Doctors would be compelled to
ask multidisciplinary opinions by the high level of patient
information. Surgeons would compete according to the level of operative
skills instead of competing with medical oncologists for patients.
Fixed fees for medical oncologists, with no direct sales of drugs to
Ahh...the contravida there would largely be government regulation, and this blog would be venting personal ire against it.
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